Saturday, February 11, 2012

Well, the new Copic colors have been released for 2012 and I have to say, I LOVE THEM!!!! As I added the new set to my growing Copic collection, I decided it was time to revamp how I tracked which colors I already own. I was able to find a chart I liked, but it didn't have the 2011 or 2012 colors. So, with a bit of remodeling of the chart, here you go. I hope it helps you track which Copic colors you own. It's designed for 8.5x11 paper, so you can add it to a three ring binder. I had a really cute book I had made, but found it just didn't meet my needs anymore as I want to be able to add and subtract pages (not that I'm ever willing to part with my collections... but in theory, I can subtract pages:-))
NOTE: I can't seem to upload the file to the blog, so email me if you would like the file.